Water and weight loss


Water and weight loss


Benefit of drinking plenty of water

1- Help you to lose weight

2- Get rid of toxins of your system

3- keep your body working properly


Some people thought that water helps for weight loss was impossible. Yet, drinking a great amount of water can help with weight loss as it has a benefit which is making you feel full for a long time and this will make you eat less and thus, you can lose weight. Having a glass of water before your meal will make you eat less than you used.


Another benefit of drinking plenty of water is that you can get rid of toxins of your system which provide you a healthier body. These toxins result from the chemicals in everything we eat or drink and the cosmetics we use to our skin and hair. By time these chemicals will have a negative effects on our bodies and health. Thus, drinking water is the best and easiest way to do it.


A third benefit of drinking great amount of water daily is that you keep your body working properly. Most people don’t realize it but they may already be dehydrated. To know that you are dehydrated follow 2 easy ways :

If you are thirsty you are dehydrated and if the colour of your urine is deep yellow colour, but if you are getting the right amount of water your body needs daily your urine will be light yellow colour.


Research shows that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water daily, and if you can not weigh it you should at least drink 8 glasses of water daily. ( if you are doing more activities you will need more ) .


Thus, drinking water not only helps in losing weight but also makes your body functioning well.





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