9 Easy Steps to Lose Fats


9 Easy Steps to Lose Fats1



By age everyone’s metabolism naturally slows down. At 40, you could be burning 100 to 300 fewer calories per day than you did at 30. That can translate into a 10-25 pounds weight gain in a year. But you can avoid this by making a few tweaks in your daily routine. These plans will help you in losing weight and burning more fats.


9 Easy Steps to Lose Fats

1- Five minutes exercises

2- Fuel up your body

3- Pump yourself up

4- Power on with protein

5- Get your vitamin “I” 

6- Get active after eating

7- Fill upon good grains

8- Drink green tea

9- Say yes to yogyrt


1- Five minutes exercises :


You should do 5 minutes exercises every morning. Metastatic is the thermostat of metabolism the we all have and it waits for your signals to be activated and mornings is the best time to activate it. The body should be full of activity like push-ups or walking.


2- Fuel up your body :


Studies showed that people who have breakfast regularly are often healthier than who don’t. It’s better to make your breakfast or lunch your largest meal as both your metabolism and activity level slows by night.


3- Pump yourself up :

burn calories

Muscle burn more calories than fat does, decreased muscle mass is a main reason why metabolism slows. Thus, if women disuse metabolism it will cause her to drop about 10 pounds of muscle at the ages from 30 – 50. To built and maintain muscle mass you should practice some strength trainings a week like push-ups, abdominal crunches, squats and triceps dips off chair.


4- Power on with protein :


Fish, chicken and egg should be added to your meals as a source of protein. Protein needs more energy to digest, which speeds up the metabolism, it is also necessary to ensure against loss of muscle tissue.


5- Get your vitamin “I” :


“I” is for intensity. You should walk a lot but if you are going to walk slowly that will make no sense, thus, you should use intensity or vitamin “I” into your stride. Accelerate your pace so you are walking a mile per 15 minutes. Than you can alternate between walking and jogging when you build up your cardiovascular fitness level. This s to get your heart rate up and keep your workouts challenging.


6- Get active after eating :

After eating a snack or a meal, do 5 or 10 minutes light activities as metabolic rate raises 10% after eating. Take the dog and have a walk or climb the stairs of your house or do some basic strength exercises.


7- Fill upon good grains :


Women who ate the most whole grain foods gained less weight than women who ate the least because grains like oatmeal, dark bread, brown rice, bran, wheat germ and whole-grain cereal make you feel full longer as they take longer to digest.


8- Drink green tea :

green tea2

Replace your lattes with green tea as it fights diseases and burn body fats. Researches show that people who drink green tea lose more fats than those who drink black tea. Green tea contains antioxidants that fight disease which is catechins and it helps also to reduce fats.


9- Say yes to yogyrt :


People who eat 3 servings of yogurt every day lose 60% more fats than women who don’t also three servings of dairy daily may let you lose twice as much fat as who eat less than that. The diet which is rich in calcium increase enzymes that breaks down fats.



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