How much weight can you lose in a month ?

How much weight can you lose in a month ?

Christmas, a holiday or a period of stress may have caused you to gain a few pounds. Note that the key is not only lose weight but also stay healthy, so it is not desirable that the loss is very abrupt.

You’ve mostly run into plenty of advertising on your Facebook wall and other social networks that promise you, that with miraculous treatments, you will get off 5, 10 and even 25 pounds in a month. When we have a major event in door, as a party, wedding, beach vacation, etc., it can be tempting, but the reality is that their promises are not true or they are unhealthy. So how much weight can you lose in a month in a healthy way?

First, note that if you rush to lose weight following a huge big goal, you’ll end up discouraged. But if you’re aware of baby steps and realistic goals, every time you reach a goal, you will have more strength and security to reach the next one.

Now, it is all about simple math. To lose 2 pounds per week, you should remove 1,000 calories per day. There are two ways of doing this caloric reduction:

  • By reducing calories consumed in a day
  • Increasing the amount of calories burned during your workout.

Of course, calculating the ingest / egress of calories can be an approximation. To make sure you’re actually reduce those 1000 calories a day, there are many apps that we have discussed above, that will serve as a calorie diary where you can carry more accurately the amount of calories consumed.

Goodbye Abs Fat

How much weight can you lose in a month

Abs are one of the most problematic areas for all women, it does not matter if you’re skinny or fat, most of accumulate fat in this area without mercy. While good nutrition is the fundamental key to reducing abdominal fat we cannot forget top keys. Regular exercise will not only help reduce fat from your abdomen, it will improve your health in general terms, and with the passage of days will see how to increase your energy at the same time you begin to see changes in your body.

Exercises to reduce fat

How much weight can you lose in a month

While there is a myriad of exercises that will help you achieve this goal, there are a few key activities that are the most recommended to get rid of the fat that accumulates in the abdomen.

Cardiovascular exercises

How much weight can you lose in a month

Cardiovascular exercises are essential to any workout routine, but much more if what you want is to lose fat, because during this type of exercise the body burns excess fat to use as energy. Ideally, this type of exercise at least three times a week for about 45 minutes.

As we mentioned above, another way to get rid of calories also occurs through physical activity 5-6 days per week.

Set realistic goals

How much weight can you lose in a month

So, the key here is to lose weight to get healthy (although there is also an aesthetic component involved), so we have to be realistic when setting how many pounds we wish to lose this month: logically you cannot lose full weight in 30 days.

Why is it important to be realistic? First, this will not be frustrated; secondly, it will be easier to achieve the desired weight; and finally, the weight obtained at the end of the month, will be easier to maintain over time.

Following the above, it is healthy to lose 3-4 kilos per month, although you have to know that, generally, the beginning is easier. Probably when you arrive mid-month signed into a plateau in which losing kilos require more effort and perseverance.

Wrapping it up, remember the below keypointers:

  • Help yourself to the usual smaller portions
  • Do not accept a second helping
  • None of sugary soft drinks
  • Limit or eliminate the consumption of sweets

It’s a classic, but it’s reality!  If you are a sedentary person, the key is to get you moving somehow. Try to change your routine, your body gets used to a certain type of training so if you want to lose weight, you must do something different to return to burn fat. It is also important to mix intense exercises with more mild or moderate within the same routine, since differences in cardiac activity will cause the body to burn fat more effectively.



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