7 Quirky Weight Loss Strategies That Really Work

7 Quirky Weight Loss Strategies That Really Work

The word “diet” does not exist in your dictionary -but you want to lose weight. Do not panic- the reality is that you can lose a few pounds without starving. The best is yet to come!

Today we can find several diets that talk about weight loss, but how to lose several pounds without starving? This seems a difficult question to answer, since the goal is to reach very far at this time. But as we always say, nothing is impossible! You just have to commit and follow these handy tips.

The decision is in your hands. Also, note that having people around you to support you at this stage is very important and essential, as there will be times when you will want to give up. Just consider these 7 quirky tips to lose weight fast without dieting.

1- Sleep well

Sleep Well

Sleeping at least seven hours is essential for healthy weight loss. This was demonstrated by an investigation pro University of Chicago. One who slept an average of 5.30 hours and another that did 8.30: Here two groups of people with low calorie diets were analyzed. It was found that although both groups fell the same weight, people who slept less did so at the expense of loss of muscle mass. So if you want to lose weight by burning fat, and not muscle-you have no choice: you must rest well.

2- Eat fermented foods

Eat fermented foods

The homemade yogurt, sauerkraut or kombucha are great sources of bacteria essential for the proper functioning of the intestines and strengthen the immune system. Therefore, if we do not have enough, our body can not eliminate all toxins. This may result in either increase in body weight or in an acute difficulty losing weight. According to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who consume more dairy fermented, reduced by 4.6% abdominal fat in 12 weeks.

3- Do not eat after 6 pm

Do not eat after 6 pm

After this time, the digestive system metabolism slows considerably. Therefore, try not to have dinner after 6. If you find it impossible to incorporate, try eating at least three hours before bedtime. This way, you will avoid the unnecessary accumulation of calories and get better rest.

4- Eat gelatin before bed

Eat gelatin before bed

A teaspoon of gelatin powder before going to bed can do wonders for weight loss. The gelatin in these proportions will not only improve your metabolism, but also be turned to your skin more elastic. This is because the gelatin contains large amounts of amino acids, essential molecules to produce proteins and improve muscle tone.

5- Tea without sugar

Tea without sugar

You can choose the variety that you like tea, because they all have diuretic effects. However, most importantly, do not use sugar, otherwise we lose the slimming effect by ingesting more calories.

6- Coffee


The coffee itself is not fattening anything, and besides keep more assets, has an important digestive effect when consumed without milk. Obviously, in this case also avoid sweeten. If you do not like the taste so strong tastes better with sweeteners.

7- Homemade lemonade

Homemade Lemonade

The cooling effect of lemon and all the advantages offered as citric are remarkable. But what is even more the fact that if you use sweeteners to make it sweeter get a natural drink that will help you lose weight by its diuretic with just over zero calories power.

As a final tip,  once you start noticing a breakthrough in your diet, do not use food as a way to reward all your effort. In any case, if you want to use food, which is something healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals. Your reward will serve as encouragement to continue with the initial weight loss plan. Do not lose focus and stand firm on the goal.

Do not try to eat everything, and do not abuse certain foods. You can always find options that will help you lose weight in a healthy way. And perhaps the best known is precisely drink plenty of liquids to achieve a complete detox, feel more satisfied and eliminate waste from the body. As stated, remember you will need the help of your friends or loved ones to overcome this time of weakness. Do not isolate yourself, share your experience.


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