5 Cooking Mistakes That Cause Weight Gain


5 Cooking Mistakes That Cause Weight Gain


Losing weight is quite the effort and it can prove to frustrating, especially in the face of negativity. It is entirely possible follow the difficult but narrow path, eat right, eliminate processed foods, exercise on time and even undertake healthy supplement regiments, and still fail to lose any noteworthy weight.


In fact not only is it possible to undertake the healthy route and fail to lose weight, many an individual have been known to gain weight, this always leading to discouragement as one begins to presume that their goal is all but unattainable.


Sometimes though, the key to losing weight and keeping it off has little to do with how strictly you follow your chosen dieting scheme. Often it is the smallest factors that cause the most amount of damage.


And most people will admit to placing little effort into activities that occur within their kitchen. Certainly, home cooked meals are always an advisable route for anyone intent on losing weight. However there are steps that one can take during their cooking endeavors which are more often than not likely to upend their weight goals in the long run.


5 cooking mistakes that cause weight gain.

While there are myriads of considerations that will arise in the kitchen and elicit poor health and weight gain, 5 particular mistakes stand out, very common in many a kitchen, these including the following:


1- Dieting doesn’t exclude the utilization of oils, and healthy eating is a simple matter of choosing the right oils to use during cooking. That being said, there is a common misconception about olive oil and its role as one of the so called good fats. And Olive oil is indeed beneficial in many instances; however it is also quite rich in calories.

With one tablespoon of olive oil playing host to a whopping 120 calories, this estimation spiking three or four times over when it is poured in a frying pan, the use of olive oil is going to waylay any weight loss plans you might have if you continue to utilize it in your kitchen. It packs quite the punch with regards to calories.


2- Healthy eating places special emphasis upon portions served. However the process of determining the right serving sizes can prove to be quit the challenge. And while tools are available to ease this process, their usage is unrealistic with every meal.

Most persons tend to merely make basic estimations; however this can prove to be quite inaccurate, leading to the consumption hundreds of calories; the key lies with memorizing how proper portions look and taking steps to replicate them.


3- Recipes are designed to aid in the cooking process; however too many people become tied down to the accuracy of each recipe, too afraid to make changes along the way and thus utilizing some less than healthy ingredients. Most recipes are quite flexible and can undergo changes without changing the outcome drastically, changes that might improve the healthy nature of a given meal. The ingredients of most recipes have the advantage of the availability of healthier substitutes.


4- Snacking is common while cooking; and in the guise of tasting one’s meal, it is possible to accumulate fat over time by doing more eating and less tasting, not to mention ruining your appetite for the coming meal. Chewing gum is a great way to contend with temptations while cooking.


5- Leftovers are convenient for the future; however they can also act as temptations, especially after meals as one is cleaning up, many individuals known for snacking excessively even after a satisfying meal. It is always advisable to keep one’s leftovers out of sight once the meal is finished, removing the object of temptation.



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