3 Weight Loss Motivation Techniques


3 Weight Loss Motivation Techniques


A lot of people want to lose weight but they just don’t have the proper motivation so they can’t do it. The sooner you get motivated, the better it would be because not being in normal weight would make you attractive to such diseases such as cough, colds and fever. When you get old, you will also be prone to cancer and diabetes which means death could happen in an instant. It would be wise to avoid that altogether. You must take good care of yourself so others would respect you. In fact, if you can’t take good care of yourself then nobody would think you are good enough to have children. Here are 3 ways to achieve that ( 3 Weight Loss Motivation Techniques ) :


1) Keep track of progress

2) Post a picture of what you want to achieve

3) Get a personal trainer



1) Keep track of progress

If you have a weighing scale at home then make use of it. Don’t let it get rusty as it will become a helpful tool in making you lose a lot of weight. You can check out your weight before you decide to use techniques in losing weight like going on a diet and doing exercise.

When you start to do those things. you can now see what your weight is after one week, after couple weeks and so on after that. If you see that you were not able to lose weight then you will be determined to exercise more the next week. You must have a target on the amount of weight you want to lose each week and write it down.


2) Post a picture of what you want to achieve

Everyone has a celebrity crush and that celebrity has a good looking body. In order to achieve that body, then you must get lots of exercise and take a strict diet. You can post a picture of that celebrity on your room so you can take a long look at her body all the time. It would be better if she has ripped abs so you would be motivated to do more in order to achieve just that. It is going to be easy to say but hard to do though.


3) Get a personal trainer

This is the most costly technique of them all. If you can’t seem to motivate yourself then get someone else to do it for you. If you choose to sign up for a membership at the gym then you must hire a personal trainer along with that because they are the ones who know the proper programs that would make you lose a lot of weight. They can give you these programs but they have no guarantees that you will follow the program.

They will also give you weekly targets for your weight. They will also scold you if you were not able to achieve your target. During a work out, they will give you verbal motivation in order to do more for that day. If you have no trainer then you could just decide to call it a day and go home even if you were not able to achieve much for that work out.



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