8 Simple tips for weight loss that will change your life!

8 Simple tips for weight loss

If you are considering to loose weight, then follow these simple tips for weight loss to start your new journey to a healthier lifestyle and happier life. As we all know that loosing weight can be tricky and knowing the right tips can give you the confidence that you need to change your life.

Weight loss is based on a very simple concept, you are aiming to burn more calories than you consume. Sounds simple doesn’t it?As many dieters know, this isn’t always as easy as it seems, because there are other factors that influence weight loss and the weight loss rate. So by keeping the following simple weight loss tips in mind, this can hopefully help you achieve your personal goals as well as improving your physique and health.


Here are the top 8 simple tips for weight loss you should start following today :

1- By being active you are naturally burning more calories but are also improving your muscle definition at the same time. Muscles burn oxygen and therefore burn more calories. So more exercise, equals better muscles, equals burning more calories, equals faster weight loss!


2- Stop consuming non natural sugars as found in: Soft Drinks, Cereals, Chocolate bars, Biscuits. Refined sugars if not burned quickly turn into stored fat. If you must consume some sugar revert to natural unrefined brown sugars.


3- Switch from white bread to brown / wholemeal bread.


4- Choose fresh lean meat and fish – because of its low fat content (ideally look for meats with less than 12% fat)


5- Adjust your eating habits; carbohydrates should be consumed before exercise or earlier in the day, because carbohydrates are converted into an energy for the body, and if that energy isn’t used, it will be stored in the form of fat. So low carbs in the evening and before bed!


6- Limit your alcohol consumption, beer’s, alco-pops and spirits mostly have a high sugar content as well as being carbohydrate heavy.


7- Drink more water, a minimum of 2 litres should be consumed per day, this will leave you feeling fuller, and help quench the urges to drink more sugar and calorie heavy drinks.


8- Change your snacks from chocolate bars and others to healthy alternatives such as fruit.


Bonus weight loss tip: Create a track list of your favourite motivational songs and speeches to give you that extra boost.

So follow these basic principles or weight loss tips to achieve your goals: Be more active, have less sugar, adjust your eating habits and drink more water.


So in conclusion, these weight loss tips may seem pretty straight forward, and they are. Most successful fitness personalities will tell you that their success is based on a stringent routine of daily goals and achievements. By making these small adjustments to your lifestyle you will start to notice weight loss and a general improvement of health. The knock on effects of this transition can improve you life. Look better, feel better, improve your confidence and be a healthier and happier you! Good luck on your journey to finding a better you.


I hope you find this useful!


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